The December Market is over and we had a great time. I presented the sweet little bear on wheels to Pam when she came in and she deemed the surgery a success. DANG, I was kind of hoping she would ask me to take Mr. Bear off her hands! I had promised to share before and after photos, but totally forgot to take the after photos. Pam was kind enough to take a couple so you can see the transformation. She also gifted me the most beautiful antique tie baby shoes....brown and black with a most unique design. They are in perfect shape and, of course, I had to find just the right teddy bear to wear these swell kickers. Thank you Pam....they will be treasured. My darling Steiff wearing his new old shoes is posted below.
I took many more photos of the shoppe since it looked so lovely all decked out for Christmas. We both LOVE Christmas so you just may see the decorations when you come to our January Market.
It's snowing today so it is really beginning to feel a lot like Christmas. We hope you all stay safe & warm. Good luck with your holiday preparations and try to take some time to chill with those you love.
If you see anything you just can't live without (a gift maybe) in any of our photos, please send a Facebook message and we will be happy to meet you at the shoppe to check it out. We are amazed at the number of sales we make outside of our Market dates.
Children's toys......small secretary and fun wood wagon.....who wouldn't love these?
The Christmas Vault.
Large cabinet filled with pitchers, vases & tea kettles.
This little cherub makes me smile every time I look at him.
If your name is Jamieson, this fabulous metal black with gold lettering sign would be perfect for your family room.
This is the view from the stairway landing down into the "Jefferson Room." We call it that because the entrance leading into this room is on Jefferson Street. |
More in the Jefferson Room.
Large Pier Mirror. |
Santa with a fedora? |
Propped up on your front porch?
Nobody loves stained glass more than Becky. |
Santa and George the teddy bear under the Christmas tree. George is not for sale. |
The colors on these great old metal buckets are great for Christmas. Yes, they are for sale.....not just decoration.
LOVE this gorgeous trunk on top with milk paint and dovetailed corners. What a find!
Hi, my name is George and I received an early Christmas present......"new" old shoes from Pam! They make me look so dapper.
Yes, we are proud of our lovely restroom as well as the rest of the building... |
Lovely jeweler's chest with lots of felt lined drawers.
Trunks, Chests and boxes.....we love them all.....big and small.....painted & plan.
Blanket Chest with lift top and drawer on the bottom. |
My cats, Paki & Deacon, have been watching me edit photos and post to the blog all afternoon. Mostly they have been snuggled together snoozing. Thought you might like to see my two cuties. |
This small collapsible wire rack has a sign on the top which was painted over but I can see the embossed letters and this once held portable radio batteries. Guess we don't need portable radio batteries any more.