Friday, December 23, 2011

We Wish You A Merry Christmas

We would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with health, happiness and prosperity.  Hopefully, 2012 is the year we will be able to open our Mud Pies and Sassafras Tea Antiques in Prairie City, Iowa.  Work was stalled on the building for a while, but we hope to have it ready to go by this coming summer.  We will keep you posted on our progress. 

Friday, February 18, 2011

We are on our way........

My sister, Becky, and I have been talking about this for a couple of years now.  Find a cool OLD building and fill it with all of the delightful antique, old, vintage, shabby, gorgeous, garden & re-purposed items we can find (and oh how we love to find them) and start our own antique business.  Yes, I know, the economy is not so good right now and so why would be want to do this?  Well, I guess we figured now is a great time to be buying, with the lower prices and all.  We both have full time office jobs and know we must stay put with those for some time.  That's why we ultimately decided we would hold limited market days....maybe once a month or once a quarter....who knows. 

About nine months ago, my sister found a wonderful old building in a neighboring small community.  It is a gorgeous old bank building, but sadly, needs quite a bit of work. The building was in the beginning stages of renovation when she happened upon it.  It has a gorgeous upstairs which has been nicely finished while still retaining the beauty and integrity of the old architecture.  Over the years, the building had gone through some changes.  One of those changes was on the gorgeous tall windows that extended down to the subfloor.  They have been patched or bricked over so they only provide light for the first floor.  The plumbing is non existent and only the beginnings of electrical wiring.  Becky's husband has helped her sort, clean and take many truckloads of junk out of the building.

My sister and I enjoy talking about our dream and antiquing together.  We love to salvage old items.  My sister is great at refinishing furniture.  She scraped the paint off of all the woodwork in her beautiful victorian home to bring it back to its original condition and has re-finished countless pieces of furniture.  Becky is currently taking a welding class to better be able to create the junk of her dreams and re-purpose some old discarded gems.  We have both worked on creating gorgeous flower garden borders, walkways and patios using antique pavers.  Gorgeous antique pavers......but that is an entirely different story for another post!  I am a teddy bear artist and create very traditional looking collectible bears of the antique Steiff style. I love all of the social networking and really enjoy the creative side of blogs and websites.  I have never done either blog or website, but have decided that I will learn as I go.  We want you to be able to join along in our progress on this journey as we work to fulfill our dream.

Next we came up with 'Mud Pies & Sassafras Tea Antiques' for our business!